Akashic Records: The Story of Your Soul's Journey

What are the Akashic Records?

 Imagine you have your very own library. Each book in your library is filled with detailed information about what you thought, felt, or acted upon from each life you lived. These "books" are called your Akashic Records.

You have your very own "librarians" that care for and protect your library, as well as offer you guidance when you are seeking deeper understanding about something in your life. Your librarians are called Record Keepers. They are unique spirits who have never embodied into form of any kind and whose sole purpose is to support you in your expansion and growth.

How can your Record Keepers help?

 Your Record Keepers can help you see any situation from a much more expanded viewpoint. You are on street level viewing your life, whereas they are miles high with a bird's eye view seeing everything. When you ask for their help, they are able to share different aspects from all your lifetimes that are influencing you today. As they share the most relevant information to your questions, they will also offer healing to clear the areas where you feel stuck. 


Where I am most gifted with working in the Akashic Records is supporting healing and freedom from hurt that still exists from your past. The Record Keepers are quite magical with guiding me to other experiences that are influencing your current situation that you are wanting help with. While the journey to your other lifetimes is interesting, what is truly powerful is how they bring healing into each situation. They help clear karma, contracts, dark energies, self-imposed pacts, traumas, and negative core beliefs. They are beautifully limitless. 

Here are a few things I do NOT do:

  • The session is about you only. I cannot share specific information about anyone else, because I do not have access to their Akashic Records.
  • I do not use the Akashic Records to get information about the future.
  • I do not use the Akashic Records to diagnose medical conditions.
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"Truly a life changing experience"

My reading with Heidi was phenomenal! Questions about my life's purpose that in the past, came into my consciousness as just whispers, were identified and answered loudly in a way that resonated strongly. Heidi's connection to my Akashic Records felt authentic and real and the information I received of true value. I felt a deep inner knowing had taken place. Truly a life-changing experience.

Kate Kellot - Bioresonance Therapist

"Healing and beneficial"

Heidi's accuracy is astounding. My Akashic Record reading with her was very insightful. I've been working in the energy / psychic field for 15 years and I've met a lot of intuitive healers. She sits at the top. Her intention is heartfelt, making the vibration of the session so healing and beneficial on multiple layers. I recommend her to anyone wanting an evolved healer working with them to reach their goals.

Jenny McDaniel - Psychic and Healer

Are you interested in scheduling a Reading?

1 Session


3 Sessions


($225 per session)

5 Sessions


($175 per session)

 Sessions range from 75-90 minutes each.

If you are looking to make a bigger impact on one particular issue or area of your life, the packages are your best option. It will allow your Record Keepers to help clear multiple layers that are keeping you stuck. Sessions are scheduled each week until your package is complete.