Are you tired of having trust issues that follow you into every relationship? 


This one can feel like a doozy, I get it! Are you ready to learn how to move past your fears of getting hurt again?


In this free audio training you'll learn:
  • The #1 mistake everyone makes when addressing trust issues and how it actually makes it worse. 
  • The road map l used that took me from feeling a constant fear of intimacy to feeling safe and open.
  • The 5 pillars required to build the kind of trust that can that last forever.


If I could offer a single piece of advice on building healthy relationships, it would be this...

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Unlock a world of possibilities by mastering the art of creating and nurturing conscious, high-quality, inner circle relationships.

Hi! I'm Heidi. 
I'm a Relationship Architect.
I will guide you step by step as you learn how to design, build, and support high quality, inner circle relationships. 
Shorten your learning curve with me as I share my 20+ years of research, experience, and the blueprint I followed to build the prosperous inner circle world I have today.
My mission is to equip you with everything you need so you can build your own thriving inner circle of people who support, value, and love you in a way that makes you feel completely fulfilled. 

What People Are Saying


I love how Heidi teaches. She is quite gifted at teaching in a simple, yet entertaining way. What she teaches is like nothing I've ever heard before and it opened up so many new possibilities for improving my relationships. I finally have the direction I've been looking for.
Celia W. 


Wow! I thought I knew a lot about relationships. Heidi filled in so many holes I didn't even know were there. She goes right to core and helped me know what I needed to do to help my marriage get back on track. Money well spent!
Amy S.



I have found Heidi's approach to be fierce and compassionate, with no stone left unturned. What I loved most about her guidance is how she helped me develop and stay connected to my inner wisdom, while facing the loss of some friends due to different views about Covid. With Heidi and her life-changing methods, you will be in good hands long after your time shared. 
 Janine C.



Check out my mini classes that are designed to guide you through common sticking points and subtle sabotaging patterns that stress relationships. Learn the guidelines and skills needed to keep your relationships healthy.



Your thoughts, fears, beliefs, and negative patterns impact every relationship in your life. Let's dive in and talk with your Akashic Record Keepers so you can receive an expanded viewpoint and heal what is ready to be released.



Make lasting changes to your close relationships faster and easier by working with me directly. If you are committed to deeply understanding yourself, your patterns, and your beliefs around love and connection, let's explore together!